The control system is the brain of your plant and the Ammann as1 Control System is as smart as it gets. The proprietary system helps you improve quality while reducing material waste and energy consumption.
The as1 also gathers and processes key data that helps your team uncover even more efficiencies. The as1 is available for asphalt, concrete and gravel plants and takes advantage of the experience gained from all these process technologies. Operators at facilities with asphalt, concrete and/or gravel plant combinations profit from using the same, familiar systems. The Ammann as1 control system can be adopted on your existing plant, regardless of the manufacturer.
Digitalisation of the entire process from the mixing plant to the construction site provides transparent, traceable information for the mixing plant, which can be used to optimise raw material management and production. Minimal energy consumption and CO2 emissions as well as shorter production times increase the profitability of the mixing plant.